The Creator's Quran, Inscription

List of chapters::verses

1, Ar-Rahman (الرحمن) The All-Compassionate 2, Ar-Rahim (الرحيم) The All-Merciful

and of mankind is he who purchases Idol Tales to mislead from the path of __Allah__ without knowledge Al Hadith so what is alh Hadith Al Hadith is defined by __Allah__ as narrations but did you know that __Allah__ described the best Hadith there you have it the best Hadith the best and Al Hadith the best Hadith this Quran __Allah__ has revealed the best Hadith this book so in what Hadith after this will they believe so in what narration in what Hadith after this will they believe and again then in what Hadith after it will they believe what Hadith what Hadith after it will they believe this is in the Quran these are the verses of __Allah__ we recite them to you in truth then in what Hadith after __Allah__ and his verses will they believe and then there's this one as well who is more truthful than the Hadith Hadith of __Allah__ the narration of __Allah__ the report of __Allah__ this is a further [Music] challenge then let them bring a Hadith like it if they are truthful so this is what we have in the Quran __Allah__ says bring a Hadith like it if they are truthful bring a Surah like it if they are truthful bring 10 suras like it if they are truthful or do they say he fabricated it say then bring 10 surra like it fabricated and call upon whoever you can besides __Allah__ if you should be truthful __Allah__ knows that nobody can this is why we have Iman in the Quran because we recognize that no man can write like this the that we read that contains these Sur and if he Muhammad spoke some fabricated sayings Upon Us certainly we would have seized him by the right hand then we would have cut off from him the a then certainly we would have cut off from him the a say that (?) am only a human like you (?) am only a human like you in Surah at the very end like us like us am (?) but a human messenger so you got the angel Messengers and here you have the human messenger a human messenger and not not accept a messenger and not is Muhammad except a messenger a messenger of __Allah__ and seal of the news Bringers say that he does not have with him the treasures of __Allah__ nor does he have the knowledge of the Unseen and that he is not an angel identically Asam had also previously declared then let them bring a Hadith like it if they are truthful so leave me and whoever denies this Hadith we will progressively lead them from where not they know so leave me and whoever denies this Hadith what is this Hadith this Hadith as you can see in say International so leave me oh Muhammad with the matter of whoever denies this Hadith (?).E the Quran we will progressively lead them to punishment from where they do not know so leave me oh Muhammad with the matter of whoever denies this Hadith what is this Hadith this Hadith is the Quran it's okay to doubt Hadith __Allah__ expects us to doubt Hadith do we go forth that makes our skins shiver in fear of of our Lord and then we relax upon hearing it why do we relax cuz now we know it's the truth it's the certain truth this is how Hadith is described in the Quran the best Hadith the Quran Hadith and then __Allah__ describes amusing Hadith distracting Hadith that would divert us that would divert us from the truth from the path of __Allah__ the Antichrist is a great piece of entertainment __Allah__ asks us rhetorically and who is more truthful than __Allah__ in Hadith __Allah__ goes as far as setting a challenge to those rejecting the messenger then let them bring a Hadith like it if they are truthful so leave me and whoever denies this Hadith just take a look at the context those who refuse to judge using the book of __Allah__ those who study another book those who think they have Knowledge from The Unseen and write it down in a book __Allah__ asks us rhetorically more than once in the Quran then in what Hadith after it will they believe and then again slightly different then in what Hadith after __Allah__ and his ayat will they believe what are we placing our IM in what are we placing our IM in this is what __Allah__ is asking asking us rhetorically are we placing it in his ayat or are we placing our IM in Hadith narrations outside of this Quran do not be among those who doubt do not be among the the ones who doubt and __Allah__ goes on to say no one can change his words no one can change __Allah__'s words no abrogation no n no man no contradiction no addition no removal nothing no one can change __Allah__'s words now this Ayah in Surah Al is is quite frightening and we have placed over their hearts coverings lest they understand it and in their ears deafness and when you mention your lord in the Quran alone they turn their backs in a verion (?) have found this in studying the true cosmology in the Quran you point out the existence of what we liveing and how __Allah__'s described that clearly and there's just a complete shutdown they yeah they turn turn away it's very frightening when you just bring out Quran versus alone there is there is this common ? response ? show me something else bring me this bring me that go to this what did this person say when you just simply point out what is clearly said in the Quran alone there is this __Allah__ says this and this is actually what happens so if __Allah__ says this is what happens and this what you experience you know Subhan __Allah__ it's amazing so yeah (?) say it's frightening cuz we don't want to be one of these who are __Allah__ says you know there's deafness in their ears their hearts are covered just take a look at one of the very first ayats that we recite at the very beginning of the Quran no no doubt in it you see that no doubt in it what does that imply if there's no doubt in this book what does that mean about anything that is not this book (?) think you could assume that right if __Allah__ makes it clear that there is no doubt in this book then one could say that there is doubt in everything else there is not this book then is it to this Hadith that you are indifferent that's the question to ask are you indifferent to this Quran are you indifferent to this Hadith people are making Halal and Haram they are making up lies indeed those who so those who deviate our verses are not hidden from us so __Allah__ does know even though this book is guarded protected and with certain truth and Clarity and everything explained there are those who distort the verses in 2252 the root for N (?) do believe it's this (?) do believe it's this you could even argue this so (?) believe it's copy and transcribe again you can assess for yourself just bear with me and if you look here n and again here (?) do think it's that (?) do think it's that and that and assess for yourself so in the entire Corpus of the Quran there's only four verses that use this two verses the think it means abrogation or AB abolishing which is the same thing and you've got two verses here which are different which are transcription inscription so and when was calmed down from the anger he took up the tablets and in their inscription so we agree so the tablets in their inscription yeah in their inscription so nasik wansuk if you look at that in Arabic it says itself copied and copied so if you look at in Persian so in Persian nasik wansuk means Obsolete and outdated right so in Persian nasik means Obsolete and outdated you might be able to start to get a picture here now in u nasik wuk means cancelled so Persian and in Udu they agree that means cancelled but if you go to Arabic what comes up copied and copied so there's no problem with in in uru in Arabic in Persian they all agree means the copies yeah in Surah Al jaia verse 29 this our record speaks about you in truth indeed we used to transcribe what you used to

do transcribe so let's look atah Bak verse 106

so so as you can see here let's get a closeup so what we abgate that's what it says there that's what everyone believes what we abgate so if you read this verse alone and even these translations you probably will believe that verses in this Quran are abreg so if you just look at it as it is what we agregate of a sign or cause to be forgotten we bring better than it or similar to it (?) think this is this actually means what we copy of a sign or we cause it to be forgotten cuz if you look at the previous verse is talking about the previous scripture you've got and then you've got about what was sent down so now let's look at that verse again so if you move forward now that you know that __Allah__ is talking about previous scripture what is __Allah__ saying that from what was sent down to them before what we copy you think about copy now yeah what we copy or transcribe or inscribe what we copy of a sign or cause to be forgotten we bring better than it and we know that this book came to confirm some things were carried over some things were left ? but this book was the final message this was the complete message so that would make sense what we copy or we cause it to be forgotten but don't take my word for it let's have a look so nun suck if you can see that (?) put in nunuk do not copy that's in Persian so nunuk in persion means do not copy I'll just keep that there persan but if (?) now go to Udu what does nuk mean copy but how about aric copy all of my agree nuk in Persian U Arabic means copy

and not we sent before you any raso or and not any but when he so it says here recited but as (?) said there's two distortions here so it's not recited the I'll get to that and I'll prove that to you as well so when he so it's actually desire or wish and okay so and not we sent before you any or any but when he desired or wished when he desired or wish Shan threw in his desire or wish wish Tam yeah the design wish money yeah I'm going to prove to you this inconsistency just have a look at everything that is in here in the Corpus of Quran in the Corpus Quran so that's the Distortion here as you can see at the top this here he recited Thea but look at the rest of them wished wishes look at that Tam there as well in 5324 look at that Tam wish but they decided to use recited in that one why CU it will help keep this understanding the verses are abreg but look they agree that it's wish wish that's it's not just here if you go down so look desires desires wishes ? something you Adit that's kind of like a desire (?) guess ? yeah something that you wish look it's all desire wish all all of it but just wait for it now the one the other part look here the verse we just looked at recitation see why did they decide that in this one it means recitation yeah but all the rest is desires and wishes why did they decide that (?) just showed you above odd one out there odd one out here so as (?) said two distortions and now this one as well so this one is but Allah copies so wait if you bear that in mind now just keep that in mind so not we sent before you any rasool or any na but when he desired or wished Shan threw in his desire or wish but Allah copies not abolishes but Allah copies or notes down you can say or transcribes or inscribes so when the when the Nabis and the rasool desired or wished Shan threw in his desire or wish but Allah transcribes inscribes so he notes down but Allah copies down what shaan throws then Allah will establish his verses or his ayat and Allah is all knowing all ways okay what does this mean well first of all let's get out the way and what do we have so it copies so look at that in Arabic again second time what is apparently in the Quran in the translations as abreg or abolishing or removal they all agree it's copies not just Arabic let's have a look at the others in U okay they don't have it in U and in Persian copy there you go so in Persian in order they don't have this word to be translated but in Persian and in Arabic so what does Allah do when Shayan throws in his wish or desire into the prophets and The Messengers desires or wishes Allah copies it down why does Allah copy it down what is Allah saying let's have a look at the next verse why because that he may make what Shan throws a FNA for those in their hearts who have a disease and a Harden their hearts there is no exception everyone is under a test from Allah no man is free from the test of life that no prophets or Messengers are exempt from this as it is said in Surah or in other areas of the Quran (?) am a man just like you ? don't worship me don't follow me I've come to you with this message follow this message (?) don't even know my outcome (?) don't know your outcome you know this is this is what we get in the Quran (?) can't intercede for you there you know it's all about Allah it's all about the Quran it's all about Allah it's it's all about the Quran and then in the next verse after that those who have been given the knowledge so true knowledge yeah true knowledge so those who've been given true knowledge those who believe in true knowledge and humbly submit submit their hearts so here you go again so you make up your own mind yeah those who humbly submit their hearts to true knowledge so that's what the test is are you following what Allah has sent to you or are you following Shan's inspiration that's what it is that's what this is there's no abrogation there's no abolishing this is the test are you following what Allah has truly sent down from the heavens above and transmitted to The Messengers or are you following Shan's inspiration and none of them are exempt from this test they would seem and when our verses are recited to them ? as clear proofs said those who do not hope for the meeting with us bring us a Quran other than this yeah that's what they say so there are people who say bring us something else bring us a Quran other than this so this is nothing new this is from the beginning them saying that bring us something other than this other they want something other than this Quran other than this or or they say or they say change it but what is the messenger's response say not it is for me that (?) change it not it is for me that (?) change it so there is no Hadith that agregates anything that changes anything there's your evidence here not for me is that (?) change of my own accord not (?) follow except what is so there's that word again W what has been inspired so people will accept inspired but I'm saying it's transmission I'll get to that because they say the wah is a it's a separate Revelation right they say ? what was naah sent down is one Revelation and they say the wah of the Prophet is another Revelation so what is inspired to me or or what is is transmitted to me and furthermore what is the prophet's response indeed (?) fear yeah if (?) were to disobey my Lord you know (?) fear the punishment of a great day you see that what does that tell you that the prophet fears that if he does not follow except what was inspired to him you know look look earlier what is being spoken of the Quran bring us the Quran other than this and now you have to think about what the wah is not (?) follow except what was inspired to me so what is this Wah Look above again the Quran this wah indeed (?) fear if (?) were to disobey my Lord punishment of a great dayah and the Messenger will say my Lord my people have abandoned this Quran so my question is if someone is guilty of making Hijra Mah deserting or abandoning the Quran where must their attention have migrated to which books is Satan letting us down with so if you look at the word here in the verse before he led me away from the message after it came to me and Satan has always been a betrayer of man so the word is so that's actually like as far as I've seen that means ? letting us down so Satan is letting us down so he led me away from the message after it came to me and Satan has always been a let down basically he's always letting us down whatever he's giving us we think is good or he's enticing us or he's making us believe that it's the truth or it's ? beneficial but he's always letting us down we're always let down as we know you know when that day comes he will distance himself from us whatever it is that you know he's influenced us with or guided us to so this is yeah this is the question if we are guilty of making Hijra from the Quran where must our attention have migrated to which books is Satan letting us down with which books is Satan responsible for creating and or influencing to make us travel away from a yeah so they've said the message he led me away from the message so actually the word is message would be ? Rah so here you got the Arabic word he led me away from so the remembrance it's beautiful the way this goes sad as well so another question is who is it that will test ify on the day cuz that's what it is this is talking about Allah is prophesying the future this is a prophecy if you like in the Quran this is a prophecy of the future from Allah cuz only Allah knows what happens in the future so on that day Allah is giving us ? a snapshot of what is going to take place the testifying that's going to take place who is it that will testify on the day yeah on that day it's rasool rol Allah who is going to testify on that day and who is it thato Allah will testify against what does it say my people yeah my people not testifying against you know those who are apparently worshiping isaam or those who are ? rejecting all of the messengers no no who is it that Allah is going to testify against my people yeah a transmission but this transmission is this type so it comes from the Devils it's it's lies it's deception yeah decorative speech but deception yeah it sounds good sounds attractive but it's deception from the Devils from the shaan and thus we have made for every Prophet an enemy Devils from mankind andin giving transmission to one another decorative speech in delusion deception yeah bring us a Quran other than this if you remember change it not for me is that (?) change it of my own accord (?) follow this W from outside the Quran seems to be blocking our understanding of concepts of space and time according to the Quran the transmission of the Quran AKA wahi so they do say bring us a Quran other than this or change it you know they do have other books in which they make Halal and Haram Fabrications ? Allah does say there's quadruple punishment if you are lured away from this wahi ? lies about he of this sent down kab and intercessors and partners with Allah is nothing new these yeah again people can check this out for themselves every Nabi is faced with Devils from Mankind and Jin who transmit as well wor he to one another with invented decorative deceptive speech you know right becoming clear now what this mad Soo saying ? poetry is you know it's the it's the devil's yeah the invent deorative deceptive speech ? the was sent down as a clear book an Arabic Quan yeah this is the main point it's there in Surah yusu yeah

Surah yusu the first three verses it's

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right there if you want to know what he is it's nothing different to the Quran clear book The ayat in it the Arabic Quran yeah it was this was the stories the best of stories ? W the Quran and what is it where is the an yeah an the whole thing is speaking about the Quran yeah we transmitted yeah it's not talking about nothing but the Quran the Arabic Quran the clear book was the W is transmitted so just as the just as messages before the Quran were sent down by so we've got that as well this this Quran yeah if (?) were to disobey he's afraid he's afraid and what happens what comes in the next verse after that say if __Allah__ had willed (?) would have recited it to you and in the next verse after that so who is more wrong than he who invents a lie against __Allah__ denying his ayat who is more wrong look at what __Allah__ saying who is more wrong than he who invents a lie against __Allah__ is there anything worse than that attributing a lie against __Allah__ and then in the verse after that the intercessors that do not benefit or harm them yeah very common phrase they ask you oh Muhammad about when is it anchoring say its knowledge is only with my Lord they ask you as if you are well informed about it as if you are familiar with it say oh Muhammad (?) do not have the power for myself to benefit or harm intercessors with __Allah__ be careful my brothers and sisters with this understanding that we've been given by the mainstream about intercessors this thing about intercessors what does __Allah__ say glorified is he and exalted above what they associate with him sh say (?) am not some Innovation Among The Messengers (?) am not some Innovation amongst The Messengers nor do (?) know what will be done with me nor with you no do (?) know what will be done with me nor with you not (?) follow except that which is you not (?) follow except that which is transmitted to me and (?) am not except so as we see people are splitting and as being two different things __Allah__ does speak one concept with you know two on many occasions

? again (?) leave that for the book but war from Allah and his messenger immigrant to Allah and his messenger spoiled for Allah and the messenger those who denied Allah and his messenger respond to Allah and to the messenger do not betray Allah and the messenger assisting Allah and his messenger so you know are these as brother Neta said brilliantly are these two separate immigrants two separate spoils two separate denials two separate responses two separate betrayals assists yeah there's a whole there's a much larger list to this this is just you know some of the examples so it does look like what's happening is that Shan is splitting one into two and that is the same with the hour the hour and the day as two separate time periods when it seems to be quite clear that the hour of Resurrection is the short period of time that occurs on the day of Resurrection so where do the signs of the hour during the end times come from where does the field of eschatology stem from so yeah at the end of Surah say (?) am only a human like you it is being transmitted to me that your is one so whoever is hoping for the meeting with his Lord let him do correct deeds and do not associate in the serving of his Lord anyone say oh Muhammad (?) do not say (?) do not say say he's commanded say (?) do not say to you that with me are the treasures of Allah nor that (?) know the Unseen nor do (?) say to you that (?) am an angel (?) do not follow except what is transmitted to me say can the blind be equal to the seeing then will you not reflect can the blind be equal to the seeing then will you not reflect M of ibraim and who will turn away from the Millet of ibraim except for a fool yeah one who fooled himself only a fool would turn away from the milet of ibraim Allah has not placed in the de any difficulty Allah has not placed in the dean here you go Dean here any difficulty there's no difficulty in the dean in the Millet of ibraim Allah does not love the cfir who is the cfir those who turn away as you can see here shall (?) take us back to where Allah mentions again beforehand those who turn away so obey Allah and the messenger and if they turn away Allah does not love the cfir and if they turn away so have a look here again as we passed this earlier then some of them turn back who are the ones turning turning away turning back those who have an Aver they object they oppose using the book of Allah to judge between them these are the kafir and again Allah does not love the C kafir who are they the ones who turn away who are the ones who turn away again Allah does not love the kafir who are the kafir the ones who turn away the ones who turn away the ones who dispute yeah the ones who quarrel argue as (?) said earlier and don't completely surrender themselves to the verses of Allah may Allah make us all amongst the mmin the m and not the kafir may Allah make us all amongst the m and friends with mmins and not taking those covering up the truth as

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